Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Nolan will be 7 months tomorrow! He is QUITE a bit more active than his sister was at his age!
This video is a little long with low action, but such a cutie-pa-tootie!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Time together

Time at the beach...

Bob and Larry
Today, Amelia said, "remember guys, God made you special and He loves you so much! Bye!"

Finding shells

Amelia and Daddy found a sweet sand hill

Smiley Noley

We went to a park nearby; Sam and Amelia are way down there.
Cute little son-bun

My chili peppers playing together!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Track morning

The kids and I headed to the track (velodrome) this morning to watch Daddy Sam at work!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Beach Time on Amp Day

Seven years ago today, Sammy had his leg amputated...It's pretty wild to think about how something changed your life, and turned you in a direction you never thought. We went to the beach, soaked in the sun, and listened to the waves.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sunny California

Sorry if we forgot you in our Christmas picture/newsletter,
but please read below to see what we sent out this year. Love you all!!!

K eeping up with the letter tradition, here are some highlights: past, present, future!

A ccumulating miles…Sam has traveled many miles this year; from Guadalajara to London!

V acationing in Long Beach, CA for Jan./Feb. (Sara and the kids will be vacationing while Sam is trainingJ)

A ccepting that, as a parent, if you get to sleep until 7:45 a.m. that is an amazing feat!

N oticing how satisfying it is to play with our children, and live in the moment.

A dventuring into the unknown...

G rowing…Amelia and Nolan are growing and changing every day.

H oping that each of you find peace, love, and joy this Christmas Season and into the New Year!

Some pictures of our place here in Long Beach, CA
The weather has been lovely, but the children have been having a hard time with the sleeping thing, the time change, and being in a place that isn't totally kid-proof. We are thankful to be together as a family, and are looking forward to each day together!

Front of house
Side of house with our blue suby, and a 2012 Volvo that we get to borrow!
A look down the street...10ish min walk to the beach!
Small deck from our room and backyard
Our room
Kid's room
To bedrooms and bathroom
Living room

Dining table next to living room

Nolan likes the wood floors!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012